making a blog - connect to world - research visibility - expose artistic identity

UNDER CONSTRUCTION - takes time - now - today - wish is done - fact is made - applying network search - link to net - passing through - filters - lenses - transparency - layers - see- me - you - us - aim to artistic contact - mails - phones - ideas - experiments - combine - confront - share – work----------PRESENToINSTANT------------------------------------------CO?NECT--

Monday, January 17, 2011

Choreographic CV

L é a                          C a n u                                                                    G i n o u x

C   H   O  R   E   O   G   R   A   P   H   I   C              W O R K

2 0 1 0 ( professional frame)

November/     Componibile 89 collaboration for light design/ space composition and movement research into performance/concert by Vania   
                     Ybarra - Matuta teatro and Meta teatro ( ITA)

September     2 versions of a performance at “ Gevaarlijk goed” - arts festival organised by KCG, Nijmegen (NL)

July/ August   JORGOS ( second period) with Ludwig theatre company, residency at Festival Montalcino (ITA)

May/June       ECCE HOMBRELLA  with EX VOTO company ( street art /theatre) residency at Martigues Dance Academie ( FRA)

january/ March creation 2 versions of a performance – graduation piece ( ArtEZ frame, NL)

2 0 0 9 ( ArtEZ frame, NL)

December      Untitled solo, fluctuative perception of immobility and its shadow in motion

September/    A LINE BETWEEN MEDITAION AND CHAOS interdisciplinary work/ installation/ multimedia and visual art - Connekt’Art Theatre aan de November       Rijn, Performance Series 1 Fine Art department, Oude Kraan location, Arnhem, NL)

July                 JORGOS first period ( ITA)

April               ARCHIVE EXHIBIT (an exhibit in a studio : make visible traces of creation process) 
                       Spectrum performance/installation with one beamer, one over head projector, one voice and nine dancers

March           DEDICATED TO EVERY ONE THAT YOU RECOGNIZE solo performed by myself, thematic : dare to be vulnerable/ what is it which brings       
                       power ? make the mask melting /nudity

2 0 0 8 ( ArtEZ frame, NL)

October       Study III : cadavre exquis laboratory : space and light, body and voice (trio)

April             Study II : state of... (piece for six dancers )

2 0 0 7 ( professional frame)

June/ september Les gamelles vides and Combien de temps encore? ( inspired by “ Dantons Tod” G. Büchner) dance/ theatre in collaboration    
                                with Pablo Volo - Carressez le Potager festival and FAI AR, Marseile, FRA

C H O R E O G R A P H I C    A S S I S T A N T

2010 G. Sorin (Géneviève Sorin Co.) for « Une scène pour deux », company stage (Marseille, FRA)

2009 G. Mont de Pallol (ESP) for « It’s a drop » in ItS Festival 2009

2008 J. Yasko (DNK) for school's pieces.


 2009/2010  guest choreographer ,and teacher for physical training / movement research and dance contact, at theatre company Ludwig (ITA)           
                                                     Training linking body awareness/yoga and floor work, and choreography for EX VOTO company

2007/ 2010 Work as choreographer with students from ArtEZ Dansacademie

2001/ 2002 Workshop (contemporary dance class) at St Charles High school (FRA)

1999/ 2001 Work for the artistic gymnastic club CNSMB, contemporary dance class and
                          choreograph solo for children between 6 and 14 year old (FRA)

Collaborativeness : a principal factor to my signature

Year       Piece title                                                      field of collaboration/artist name

2011             ADVERTISING EXERCISES                                           voice research : Vania Ybarra
                    (work in progress)

               HEIMAT SHOW                                             Artistic director & dramaturge : Pablo Volo ( EX VOTO)
               ( work in progress)

2010            Componibile 89                                         Artistic Director : Vania Ybarra

                     2 versions of a performance                   Dramaturge : Fransien van der Putt
                                                                                     Text/voice : Stéfanie Dufresne
                                                                                     Photographer : Harmjan Roeles
                                                                                     Visual Artist : Frederico Bacciochi

                     ECCE HOMBRELLA                                 Artistic director & dramaturge : Pablo Volo ( EX VOTO)
                      ( work in progress)

                     JORGOS                                                  Artistic director & dramaturge : BenedettoSicca ( Ludwig Theatre)

2009  A LINE BETWEEN MEDITATION AND CHAOS   Composer : Xander Driessen
                                                                                       Visual artist : Stefan Schäfer
                                                                                       Decroux technic : Pablo Volo

                     ARCHIVE EXHIBIT                                    Graphic designer : Helena Fellas

2008             Study III: cadavre exquis                          Music/theatre : Charlotte Waardenburg

                     Study II : state of...                                    Fashion/designer : Mananmi Saito


Léa Canu Ginoux, french choreographer, based in Nederlands and France

In 2002, Léa integrated pre-professional education at famous Choreographic Development Center ( CDC, Toulouse, 2003). There, she meet artists and choreographers : Thierry Baë, Boris Charmatz Dominique Mercy, Frey Faust , Sam Louwyck, Saburo Teshigawara and Mark Tompkins. She began her dancer career with companies such Subito Presto ( Yvon Bayer), Géneviève Sorin and Marco Berrettini ( FRA). Parallely, she investigates her passion for Performing Arts and Choreography. In 2010, she is graduate in Dancemaker specialisation at ArtEZ Dansacademie in Nederlands. Along the past three years, she created eight pieces such DEDICATED TO EVERY ONE THAT YOU RECOGNIZE , SPECTRUM, A LINE BETWEEN MEDITATION AND CHAOS and 2 versions of a performance.

Léa's artistic need is to develop tools for collaborativeness into making process. She is currently collaborating with french street art/ theatre company EX VOTO ( Pablo Volo and Manuel Pons, France) and artist dramaturge/ singer Vania Ybarra ( Italia).

As young emergent choreographer, she has been invited by Gelders Kenniscentrum voor Kunst en Cultuur to present her most recent piece “ 2 versions of a performance”.

Léa Canu Ginoux 's pieces enlighten her talent to compose with spaces and scales; research into extreme physicality and draw poetic atmospheres.

Links :


pictures of my work

Please, for more information contact me :