Artist Léa Canu Ginoux under PRESENToINSTANT company
PRESENToINSTANT name is born in summer 2010, while Léa was trying to set up this blog to promote her work.
PRESENToINSTANT is juridically existing since 1st February 2011, company is based in Arnhem Nederlands.
PRESENToINSTANT is an extension of Léa Canu Ginoux's investigation in Performing Arts, Visual Art & Choreography. Léa has decided to engage her whole being into researching an artistic dialectic between those three fields.
PRESENToINSTANT is her view on creativity and its multiple path way.
The company aims to generate projects fully related to Léa's artistic intentions : her attempt to develop tools for collaborativeness into making process, as much as her triggering exploration which raises issues regarding convention on visual aspects of an art work's reception.
PRESENToINSTANT does not look for provocation neither frustration toward spectatorship. The company's purpose is rather to explore ways of dialoguing with audience, public, onlookers... human being.
Léa awards a BA in choreography at ArtEZ Dansacademie in Nederlands (2010). Along the past four years, she created ten pieces such « dedicated to every one that you recognize » , «SPECTRUM», «A LINE BETWEEN MEDITATION AND CHAOS» and «2 versions of a performance».
Léa is currently collaborating with french street art company EX VOTO ( Pablo Volo and Manuel Pons), dance company PØST ( Emilie Gallier, France) and artist dramaturge Vania Ybarra ( Paraguay/Italia).
Léa Canu Ginoux 's pieces enlighten her talent to compose with spaces and scales, research into deep physicality and draw poetic atmospheres. Most often, her work is an invitation for the self to capture being's motions beyond social rules and its pressures.
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